Wiley has published two new Essential Knowledge Briefings (EKBs) with text written by JES Editorial.
One of the EKBs is on electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), an analytical technique that can determine the elemental composition of solid specimens by analysing the X-rays emitted when the specimen is bombarded with an electron beam. The other is on focused ion beam (FIB) nanofabrication, a technique for modifying materials and carving patterns at tiny scales by scanning an ion beam across the material’s surface. The EPMA EKB is sponsored by CAMECA, while the FIB nanofabrication technique is sponsored by Raith.
Both EKBs explain the respective techniques, describe what they are used for, detail practical issues and problems related to the techniques and how to overcome them, and showcase how the techniques are likely to develop and advance in the future. They also both contain several case studies outlining how scientists are actually using these techniques in their work.
EKBs are 5000-word guides to the latest techniques, applications and equipment used in analytical science. They are written in an accessible style, modelled after feature articles in popular science magazines such as New Scientist, and can be downloaded for free at www.essentialknowledgebriefings.com.
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